
Picture Story Show Video Ufutwuchi Mukuta


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A legendary fortune teller who actually existed during the Ryukyu Dynasty.

This is the story of a fortune teller who existed when Okinawa Prefecture was once an independent "Ryukyu Kingdom". This is the story of a fortune teller. About 500 years ago, Mukuta ufutwuchi was born in the southern part of the main island of Okinawa, in what is now Nanjo City.

From an early age, he possessed mysterious powers, and by the time he was an adult, he was saving villagers from illness and various other events with his "divine power.
One day, the king heard the rumor and called Mukuta Ufutwuchi to Shuri Castle and asked him to save the prince from getting sick. After that, "Mukuta" used his divine power and successfully cured the illness. As a result, "Mukuta" was given a job at Shuri Castle.

As a result, Mukuta was given a job at Shuri Castle, but then a conspiracy occurred. As a result, a strange fate befalls him, but the story is embedded with the fundamental human emotions of envy, vanity, suspicion, and remorse.

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